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Cell One Insights

Welcome to Cell One Insights where our strategic advisors offer their perspectives on issues facing the cell and gene therapy industry.

Lentiviral vectors and the future of gene therapy

Stefanos Theoharis, PhD


In this video, our Associate Stefanos Theoharis offers insights into the latest innovations, applications and commercial landscape of lentiviral vectors for cell and gene therapies.

A Perspective on the Cell & Gene Therapy Industry

George Goldberger, Founder and Chief Executive Officer


We are keen observers of developments within the global cell and gene therapy market and with this presentation, we are inviting you to patch into a comprehensive presentation of our perspective. This Zoom presentation was held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

Reducing the cost of cell and gene therapy manufacturing

Stefanos Theoharis, PhD


In this episode, Cell One Partners Associate Stefanos Theoharis offers insights into the innovations and technologies that will help reduce the cost of cell and gene therapies and enable more patients to access these remarkable therapeutics. 

AAV vectors and the future of cell and gene therapy

Stefanos Theoharis, PhD


In this episode, Cell One Partners Associate Stefanos Theoharis shares our perspective on AAV, ongoing innovation and manufacturing improvements that promise to yield higher functionality and safety.


In the complex environment of cell and gene therapy, you need a competitive advantage. With a team of global experts representing all aspects of development, manufacturing, and commercialization, Cell One Partners can help accelerate and de-risk your progress toward commercialization. 

The Future of Cell Therapy

Stefanos Theoharis, PhD


The cell and gene therapy landscape will continue to develop and evolve for years to come. Many new companies, technologies, and approaches to design cell therapies are entering the field.

In the latest episode of our video series about the future of cell and gene therapy, Cell One Partners Associate Stefanos Theoharis explores the breadth of cell therapies modalities, including those at the leading edge of innovation such as allogeneic, iPS technologies, CAR-T, CAR-NK, and hypoimmunogenic cells.

Top Trends in Cell and Gene Therapy

Stefanos Theoharis, PhD


At Cell One Partners we asked our experts and friends for their top-3 hot trends in cell and gene therapy today. We analyzed the data for you in this video, presented by Stefanos Theoharis. See what top industry experts had to say about this rapidly growing field.

Please get in touch to discuss how our experts can help you navigate this complex and ever-changing landscape and make better strategic decisions for your business. 

Gene Vectors

Stefanos Theoharis, PhD


Gene vectors are an essential component of gene therapy and many cell therapies. Many successful commercial products currently making a real difference to patients rely on gene vectors. The field is continuing to innovate and advance rapidly, with constant improvements and emerging new vector technologies. In the second video from our newest video series, Stefanos Theoharis discusses the latest trends and looks at the future of gene vectors.

This video has been deleted.
Rosemary Mazanet, MD, PhD
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Anthony Gringeri, PhD
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Episode 1:

Rosemary Mazanet, MD, PhD

Safety Issues Related to Gene-Modified Cell Therapy

Episode 2:

Anthony Gringeri, PhD

The Importance of Automation

Stephen Chang, PhD
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Episode 3:

Stephen Chang PhD

The Evolution from Viral Vectors

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